CTX Fieldhouse DUPR Sundays
CTX Fieldhouse DUPR Sundays
You must have a DUPR account and be a member of our DUPR club: CTX Fieldhouse Pickleball in the DUPR app to play. Sign up for free.
Select “play” icon (bottom tabs) and request to join our club “CTX Fieldhouse Pickleball”
$15 fee/$10 for CTX Pickleball Members
You MUST arrive promptly at 2:45 to get court assignment and warm up, so games can begin quickly. And stay the whole event. If list Is full, get on waitlist as the list grows and shrinks constantly until a few hours prior to play time, you may just make it in!!
All games will be entered in DUPR by the event organizers.
Play format is single game to 11 (win by 2). Once you play, record your score on the result sheet, then add your names to the new court assignment sheet. You must write your name in the next empty spot. Once there are 4 names on your side, the group of 4 will take the next court. Please do not play with the same partner 2 times in a row.
By “PAYING” and putting your name on an event within the calendar in TeamReach, it makes you officially registered for the event. If you can not make an event you are registered for, promptly move yourself to the “No” list. It is your responsibility to check the TeamReach app often to be sure you are on the play list, and so you can see any changes or updates that might have been made by the organizers for the night you are registered for.
If the event is full, the sign up will register you on the “Waitlist”. Only show up to the event if you are in the registered group (and not still on the waitlist). If you are not going to be available to play, promptly remove yourself from the waitlist, and put yourself on the “No” list. It is your responsibility to check the waitlist often to see if you have been moved off the waitlist to the play list.
The Sunday night DUPR events are for 3.60 players. There is no rating max, but you must be a 3.60 by 5pm WSaturday to play. Please check your official DUPR rating by Saturday at 5pm prior to the event to confirm your eligibility for the event. If you are not eligible, you must update your registration by Saturday at 5pm or our organizers will automatically remove you.
NOTES: Rules are subject to change as event grows.
Good sportsmanship Required
Everyone is here to have fun and play fair and competitive games.
Poor sportsmanship or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Such conduct is grounds for immediate removal from the event.